European Union - European Social Fund
Development of professional knowledge and competences of the employees of Amest s.r.o.
Project registration number: CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/16_043/0004629
AMEST s.r.o. started the implementation of the project from the Operational Programme Employment on 1 July 2017.
The aim of the project is to increase the professional level of knowledge, skills and competences of employees so that they can better adapt to their work situation in the company and at the same time increase their qualification level on the labour market. The target group is 24 employees of the company, including senior employees. The project will be implemented for 2 years. It is a complex spectrum of employees, which includes managers, assemblers, designers, production managers, software developers, HW/SW technicians, buyers, sales representatives, administration, including administration and finance.