Automatic measuring station for measuring of railway wheels geometric dimensions
The automatic measuring complex developed by company Amest is designed to measure complete geometry of railway wheels
Zjistit víceThe automatic measuring complex developed by Amest is used to make a complete check on wheels manufactured in non-stop three-shift serial production. The station is easy to set for all types and dimensions of wheels manufactured in the client’s factory, i.e. from small tram wheels to huge locomotive wheels. To ensure reliability of optical components the entire station is situated in a lockable compartment with opaque sliding walls and an inner roller-blind to keep it sheltered and protected against light. The output of the station – checking 60 wheels an hour, including assessment and statistical processing of the results – can match the tempo of the client’s production line by a sufficient margin.
Automatic measuring station for measuring of railway wheels geometric dimensions
The automatic measuring complex developed by company Amest is designed to measure complete geometry of railway wheels
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The automatic measuring station developed by company Amest is designed to measure complete geometry of railway wheel-sets
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