Inprocess control gauges for the control of dimensions and shapes in cylindrical and centre grinders.
Zjistit vícePostprocess wide-range measuring station for measurement of shafts and cylinders (e.g. railway axles)
-Range of measured diameters 100 – 250mm
-Continuous measurement in requested range without necessity of readjustment of measuring jaws/contacts
-Tilting measuring system fixed on grinding headstock with alternating touch of electroinductive units by electromechanic movement
-Own measured value is the sum of wide-range datum from linear absolute measurement and narrow-range inductive unit
-Measuring station is tilting into working position by own pneumatic drive with adjustable parts including reduction and filtration station, distribution and electro-pneumatic switchboards
-Connection into driving system SIEMENS SINUMERIC 840D is by PROFIBUS
Measured parameters:
- diameters of cylindrical surfaces
- circularities and conicities of cylindrical surfaces
Postprocess wide-range measuring station for measurement of stretching mandrel outer diameters.
- Range of measured diameters: 7-100mm
Postprocess wide-range measuring station for measurement of mandrels outer diameters ø5 mm – ø50 mm and lengths 530mm - 830mm with possibility of accurate indexation of measured diameters in axial direction.
Measured parameters:
·Diameters of cylindrical and conical surfaces
·Circularities of cylidrical surfaces (in the meaning of ovality, diameters difference Dmax – Dmin)
·Run-out (in the sense of double eccentricity)
Postprocess wide-range measuring station for continuous postprocess control of outer diameters from 60mm till 1000mm long part with max. length 7000mm. With this gauge is possible to measure the addition of semi-finished products, diameters during of cycle brake, and final part profile.
Measured parameters:
- Measurement of grinded diameter
- Cylindricity
- Conicity
- Roundness
- Measurement of intermittent sections
- Run-out measurement
- Detection of 3K profile